What deficiency causes white tongue?

Surely brushing your teeth in the morning is a good way to start the day. While brushing the teeth is the main focus, making sure the tongue is regularly clean by brushing it lightly can make a huge difference to your general oral health. Some may realise some whitish appearance on the tongue while brushing in the morning. In some cases, it can be very concerning if it starts to give discomfort to the person. Finding doctors will be the best way to understand this situation.

Any area of the tongue covered by the greyish-white coating is known as white tongue. The whitish appearance may be seen on the whole tongue, white spots or patches on the tongue. White tongue in general is harmless but does not mean there is no possibility of it being one of the signs for serious underlying medical conditions such as early cancer or infections.

There are numerous causes leading to white tongue. One of the common ones is due to poor oral hygiene. Such conditions can cause the small part on the tongue called the papillae to swell up from inflammations. This is the result of dirty particles such as germs or debris and food particles stuck in between the papillae which causes the tongue to be white from the build-up particles. Other related conditions with oral hygiene resulting in white tongue is poor brushing and flossing and irritation from sharp edges of the teeth or dental tools.

White tongue may still appear for those with great oral hygiene if it is caused by other medical conditions. Conditions such as deficiency of vitamin B, specifically vitamin B12 may lead to white tongue. Deficiency of the vitamin often is accompanied by constant numbness in the limbs, frequent mouth sores and brain fogs. At times, deficiency of vitamin B is not the only culprit for white tongue as other lack of nutrients may predispose to such conditions.

Apart from these causes, a white tongue may be caused by many serious conditions such as infections. Common infections are syphilis and oral candidiasis. A more serious but rare condition leading to white tongue is cancer from excessive alcohol or tobacco usage.

Since there are many causes that could be responsible for white tongue, it is best to get medical advice if the problem does not resolve in two weeks. If the white tongue is accompanied with other symptoms such as feeling tongue pain, open sores in the mouth and trouble eating or talking, this should be a great concern and it is advisable to meet the doctor soon. If white tongue is accompanied with other unexplained symptoms such as fever, unintentional weight loss or skin rash, this could indicate serious issues as it may be an early sign of cancer. It is best to be safe than sorry by discussing with healthcare professionals as soon as possible.

If you are reluctant to meet doctors first, you can try these home remedies. If such measures fail to reduce the white tongue within 2 weeks, please meet doctors soon.

Things to do to improve white tongue:

1)  Use a soft-bristled brush.

2)  Brush teeth twice a day.

3)  Use fluoride toothpaste and fluoride mouthwash.

4)  Floss at least once a day.

5)  Gently brush the tongue or use a scraper to get rid of the white coating on the tongue.

6)  Avoid using tobacco products.

7)  Avoid drinking excessive alcohol.

8)  Practise healthy balanced meals packed with fruits and vegetables.

9)  Avoid eating or drinking food that could irritate the tongue such as spicy, salty, acidic or hot one.

10)  Make an appointment with a dentist every 6 months for a dental check-up.