How To Keep The Kids Safe During A Divorce With Alcohol Abuse?

The choice to file for divorce may be the most difficult one some individuals will ever have to make. If one spouse is an alcoholic and the marriage also has minor children, the answer to this issue becomes more nuanced. Leaving the kids alone with an alcoholic parent is a continual worry during visits or possession periods. How can we keep an eye on things to make sure the kids are okay?

For many years, the courts relied on a flawed system that only allowed for post-hoc testing of alcohol use. Due to the court’s preoccupation with the children’s background, monitored possession, which can be expensive and counterproductive to long-term possession, is often the only remedy available to ensure the children’s safety? Thanks to Soberlink, children may be kept safe when alcoholic parents insist on visiting.

How Soberlink performs what it does is what has made such a difference in the field of family law. Soberlink can be set up to promptly alert the court and the other parent if alcohol usage is detected.

Soberlink is an app that uses a portable alcohol breath analyzer and breathing tube to take a picture of the user while they blow into the device to detect their blood alcohol concentration. As soon as the reading is taken, it is sent to a central monitoring station within 60 seconds. In the event that a positive blood alcohol concentration (above.02%) is found, the appropriate contacts will be notified through email and text message. A parent who isn’t drinking may take immediate action to safeguard their kids thanks to this fast alert.

Soberlink is not a panacea, but it does provide parents, lawyers, and courts with an additional resource to ensure the safety of children during and after a divorce. I put Soberlink through its paces for a full month to determine its merits and detriments and can attest to its usefulness.

In cases where one must demonstrate sobriety, such as when applying for visitation or custody rights, SOBERLINK is often the preferred option. Comparing SOBERLINK to urine testing, an ankle bracelet, or a bulky in-home alcohol monitoring system, it is clear that SOBERLINK is the superior method of alcohol monitoring.

I need SOBERLINK to help me with child custody, but I don’t know how to get it.

If you plan to use alcohol monitoring as evidence in court, SOBERLINK suggests working with an Authorized Service Provider. Any authorized service provider can lend you the necessary hardware for alcohol monitoring and provide you with case management in the event of legal trouble. To get started with Level I, Level II, or Level III SOBERLINK services, contact authorized service provider Francine Farrell.