How can i soothe my child’s itchy bottom

            How does it feel to get itchy skin? Obviously, it can be quite hellish at times. While being an adult surely is easy to spot that itchy feeling, this can be totally different in a child especially when they are yet to speak well. Most cases of itchiness in kids are usually spotted when the skin is frequently scratched and shows great redness, some even cause minor bleeding. One of the most reported itchy skin cases among children are itchy bottom or anal itching.

            An anal itching is itching of the skin close to the anus and rectum. Itchy bottom is common in child and can be caused by moisture, pressure and abrasion of the skin from the small tight clothes in contact with the anal area or from long sitting. At times, it can be caused by pinworms which is often spread by poor hand hygiene before eating meal or touching other child’s infected hands as pinworms are parasites that lives in the intestines and is often spread from touching the anal area. Itchy bottom can also be caused by poor toilet hygiene when young children did not wipe the bottom area well after urination or defecation causing the area to become damped and irritated.

            Since an itchy bottom can cause great distress to both child and parents, getting relief would be the best thing for both sides. There are ways to help soothe your child itchy bottom, this includes:

  • You can try to put a cold ice pack around the area for 10 to 20 minutes, a few times a day to help relieve the itchiness and the inflammation. Be sure to not use ice directly on the skin as it could further damage the skin.
  • Getting medical advice before buying any medicine as not all anal itching remedy available is safe for children especially if you are considering to give medicine for threadworms.
  • You can try asking the pharmacist for creams and ointment tailored for children to help ease the itch. Generally, zinc oxide, petroleum jelly or hydrocortisone cream are considered safe for children.
  • You can gently wash or ask your child to gently wash their anus with water or pat it clean with moist toilet paper/moist pads after finishing toilet business and to make sure to keep the area dry by patting it with dry clean toilet paper.
  • Ensure your child is using soap that is free from fragrance.
  • Ensure your child is not using coloured toilet paper or scented one when wiping the bottom.
  • It is advisable to let your child have a shorter bath or shower (under 20 minutes) with cool water.
  • Make sure your child is wearing loose-fitting cotton underwear and bottoms attire.
  • Never let your child scratch the itchy bottom. If it seems impossible, make sure your child’s fingernail is short.
  • Help your child to have better bowel movement by providing them fibre when possible. Fibre can be obtained from fruits, vegetables and whole grain food. When the child can defecate better, they are less likely to strain in the toilet and this can help prevent from further anal itching.

            You should consider meeting a doctor if your child is having itchy bottom for more than 3 days, the pain become worst, you found bleeding coming from the area, the anal itching keeps happening, your child is unable to sleep or there is itchiness elsewhere on their body. If your doctor diagnosed your child with anal itching caused by pinworms, you should wash the child’s bedding, clothing and towel with hot water and use high heat when drying or letting it dry under the hot sun to properly kill the parasite and from causing repeated infections.